

April 11, 2015

personalise your hoola

There's something strangely satisfying about owning a product with your name on it. Call me self obsessed, but ever since buying pens and fridge magnets with "Jessica" on in gift shops on school trips I haven't grown out of the habit. If you fancy getting your name stamped on a box of Hoola and carved into the brush, pop over to the Benefit website to do just that. I think this would make a wonderful gift for anyone you know is into their make up too, and on a practical note, at least there won't ever be "is it mine or yours" mix ups. 


  1. This is so cool, never tried Hoola bronzer before :)

    Kate xo // www.beautybabbles.com

  2. I'm kind of shocked! This is insane, the things we can do these days

    xx Tess Isabella Kennedy
