They don't call me last minute Larry for nothing! I did in fact have this post planned for a little while now but being the busy bee that I am, have only just got round to putting it together. Fingers crossed that a few of you are just as preoccupied as I am and are still in need of a Valentine's idea or two. I realise that the majority of people reading my blog are girls, but for the few fellas that are reading this, I've popped in some gift ideas for your lady too. If you fancy any of the gifts above, send your partner in crime a link to this post as a little hint hint. Off I go to overdose on chocolate and Chambord.
February 13, 2016
February 12, 2016
how to be a blogger: creating a media kit
It seems like years since I got my act together and wrote up a new post for my "how to be a blogger" series. Although I do still love this blog dearly, I've been spending most of my time attempting to build up my lifestyle blog (ever the fool that I am for creating two blogs). It has taken me a fair few years to get to the point that I've been to enough cool places to even consider myself as a proper ~travel blogger~ but finally the time was upon me to put together a media kit.
What the bloody hell is a media kit I hear you cry. Up until recently I wasn't too sure either. In ultra basic terms, it's a PDF formatted space to sell yourself and your blog to PR people. You can be super serious with it, and include stats, analytics and cram it with information, or you can get creative and make it look visually exciting. With mine, I decided to keep it as simple looking as possible, whilst incorporating the same theme of colours and fonts that I use on both of my blogs. I really do believe that the foundation for having an impressive blog is continuity and having a recognisable style. I used Pages to create my media kit and then uploaded the PDF folder to Dropbox to make it super easy for people to have a quick look at, rather than having to spend half of their life waiting for it to download from an email.
My top tips are to add in links within text, include screenshots rather than usernames for social media, keep it clear and to the point, name drop some brands that you've collaborated with and put in a few photos of yourself too. The media kit I created was extra content heavy as it's sole use will be to send out to travel related contacts and is therefore very specific, but when I create one for my beauty blog it will have just one page for examples of product reviews and sponsored content. If you're thinking of creating a media kit yourself, the easiest way to get started is to ask yourself what you want to gain. If that's sponsored posts, then you may want to include lots of stats, if it's product review opportunities, then you will most likely feature a lot of written content, or let's say you'd like to work with more clothing brands, then you'd add in lots of outfit photos.
I'm so ridiculously far from an expert when it comes to these things, but I really hope this post has helped a few of you out and if you want to take a sneaky look at how mine looks then click here.