

August 10, 2013

the ninth sin of beauty blogging

After my blog post a few days ago 'the eight sins of beauty blogging' it seems a few people have become personally offended by what I wrote so I thought I'd just write a quick post to clear things up. It's a shame to see people have taken it the wrong way after I already wrote on the post to take it with a pinch of salt and that I certainly do not judge people on the way they write their blog. My aim behind writing the post was to give a light-hearted take on beauty blogging and to give people a bit of a laugh, and it's upsetting that as a result of this people have felt personally targeted and insecure enough to indirectly slate me as a person. As a blogger of three and a half years I have always seen a responsibility to not involve myself in bitchiness, in my mind there is never any gain from setting out to be judgemental about another person to hundreds of Twitter followers. However I also believe that being forthright with my opinions can sometimes get confused with bitchiness, I can assure you that really is not the case. If you want a real laugh then go back to the posts of when I first started my blog, I'm pretty sure I'd get the award for all of the eight sins of beauty blogging. Arm swatches, dodgy sponsored posts, bad manicures, the lot. Sue me! But hey, at least I can laugh at myself, unlike a few people it would seem.


  1. Just thought I'd give my opinion - I didn't think the post was funny, maybe it was the style it was written, I don't know. I understand that you intended for the post to be light hearted and comical, it just didn't come across that way for me. I just think the blogging world needs less sarcasm and more support from each other. Not 'rules' on blogging, which contained some indirect digs at others.

    Nothing against you, just my opinion on the blog post.

    1. Not a problem. Sense of humour sometimes doesn't convey so well over blog posts and I totally understand if it's not to some people's tastes, but it's no justification for a personal attack on myself. Thanks for your opinion!

  2. I thought your post was brilliant! Refreshing to read something that actually had a bit of personality behind it, and I didn't get offended even though I'm guilty of most of those sins haha! Don't listen to anyone else hun, would hate for your writing style to change because some people can't take a joke!


  3. I'm confused for a few reasons, A)how you can mention your hate of indirect digs on twitter and then quite clearly be doing so in this post? Secondly, i understand you're standing by your word in your last post and obviously felt the need to justify yourself in this post, but how can you get annoyed at other voicing their opinion about not liking your post when all you were doing was voicing your opinion om what you class as the sins of blogging? There are no sins of blogging and I'm not surprised you upset people because there is enough people in this community who seem to think they have the authoirty to lay down the law. I also think you were incredibly insensitive to mention body hair, it's a touchy subject and some people can't help it.

    1. I absolutely have no problem at all with people having an opinion on the post I wrote, it's when people take it upon themselves to judge me as a person on something I wrote in complete and utter jest that bothers me. I can't express enough how it was never my incentive for people to change how they blog, it really was just a joke.

  4. I think your was just a little bit like when people say 'no offence but-'
    People are still going to take offence if you say offensive things

    1. For all people knew I could have been poking fun at myself in the blog post, who is to say that it's about anyone else? I believe it says a lot about a person whether they choose to be offended by something or see it as the joke that it is!

  5. This isn't meant offensively but not everyone will be as confident as you, if people are a bit self conscious and have put themselves out there on the Internet, then read your last post they might get a bit upset? I'm very shy and can kind of see where people are coming from.

    I've also just looked at the comments and tweets, I understand why you don't like bitchyness (no one does!!) but writing this post seems like you're doing it too? Why not talk to those who might not like it?

    1. I've got quite a few posts up that I wrote to give newer bloggers confidence and some helpful tips they may find useful, it's a bit unsettling that a joke post gets all of the attention instead of the real posts that I wrote to help people out!

  6. I thought that the post was funny! People do need to lighten up. Maybe the people who get offended do so because they commit these sins and they feel like you're singling THEM out. It's funny how these people are also commenting anonymously!

    Keep writing how you want to write. Your loyal readers won't slate you x

  7. I didn't exactly find it funny, but it was a bit true, but they are things many of us do, I suppose it's just what you go through as a blogger and it's how you develop.

    Like you say, in your earlier posts you do most of the sins, and pretty much all of us will, I'm guilty of most of them, but I know so many of us are that's why it isn't offensive :)

    If anything, those getting offended, should use it to realise that they can improve :)


  8. 10th beauty sin - not having a sense of humour.

    All the ones commenting negatively obviously are aware that it's a joke, therefore if they take offence, it's not you that's to blame.

    It's like all those people do make up collections on YouTube that put disclaimers that 'in no way am I bragging or showing off'. You're just showing what most people in their blogs do. I read a lot of blogs and find that most blogs are 'guilty' of these sins, it in no way makes me think any less of them as a person, it's was just a joke. People that take offence need to lighten up and learn to laugh at themselves and others.
    Personally, the world of beauty bloggers, all are sheep, they obsess over all the same products (sponsored or no)
    It's a shame because your other blog posts of how to start up a blog are fantastic and informative, but people like to criticise rather than praise unfortunately.
    I understand people have a right to their own opinion, but as do you. You stated it was a joke and you are not directly faulting anyone.
    You bring your own, fresh approach to the blogging world that doesn't just involve obsessing over the new Bioderma dupe or Zara bag... keep doing what you're doing because I enjoy these sorts of posts!

    Shame sarcasm isn't well received these days, because it's my favourite type of humour!
