

August 07, 2015

jo malone sakura cherry blossom cologne

My love affair with Jo Malone Cologne continues.. and this time I've fallen for Sakura Cherry Blossom (let's just pretend those tiny tomatoes in the photo above are in fact cherries). If you're all about fresh and light daytime scents with a touch of a floral note, this one's for you. It's similar to Earl Grey and Cucumber in the way that it's such a bright and breezy scent that is perfect to wear on days when you're in need of a bit of uplifting. It's probably more suited towards spring time but who says you have to confine a certain perfume to just one season of the year. Plus, how lovely is the pink detailing on the bottle too?


  1. I love the rose gold cap on this bottle it's so pretty! Sounds like a lovely scent, I can't wait to get my hands on it!


  2. This looks great :) I haven't seen this in the Jo malone stores recently but at least I know that John Lewis stocks it. Sounds like a lovely fragrance and a scent that I usually go for.

    Have a lovely day ♥

    Ying | * Y i n g c b e a u t y *

    X x X x X

  3. Gorgeous photograph and that bottle is divine, let alone the scent x


  4. I wanna try this out. I am so curious on its scent.

  5. I have tried the Jo Malone Cologne and its seriously the best one. ,
